To get a doctor’s advice, you can request a medical adviser in any city convenient for you (Kyiv, Uzhgorod, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Dnipro, Ivano – Frankivsk).
Addresses and contact numbers of medical advisers are shown below:
Kyiv, Kyiv City Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Eye Microsurgery Center"
Address: Kyiv, 03680, Komarov Ave., 3,
Doctor: Shevkolenko Marina Vladimirovna Tel .: +38 (067) 395-83-17
Doctor: Aleeva Natalia Nikolaevna Tel .: +38 (067) 707-09-93
Doctor: Mellina Victoria Borisovna Tel .: +38 (097) 786-29-46
Kyiv, Polyclinic "Eye Microsurgery Center"
Address: Metrostroevskaya street, 12 Tel. + (380 44) 408-31-66 Mobile. + (380 50) 352-18-39
р. Київ, Дитяча консультаційна поліклініка Київської міської клінічної офтальмологічної лікарні "Центр мікрохірургії ока"
Адреса: вул. Стражеска, 6-а, каб. 318 Тел.: +38 (044) 408-38-73 (реєстратура)
Лікар: Шевчук Ольга Володимирівна Тел.: + 38 (067) 757-44-59
Kyiv, "Ukrainian Medical Center for the rehabilitation of children with organic lesions of the nervous system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"
Address: Kyiv, ul. Bogatyrskaya, 30
Ophthalmologist: Alla Grabovaya Tel .: +38 (044) 412-05-78
Vinnitsa, Medical Center "Ophthalmology Clinic of Professor Sergienko"
Address: Vinnitsa, st. Pirogov, 47-a, 4th floor, registry Tel .: +38 (0432) 55-75-75
Children's ophthalmologist: Mayorova Tatiana Eduardovna Tel .: +38 (067) 430-59-99, +38 (098) 086-81-13
Dnipro, "Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital"
Address: Dnipro, pl. October 14
Doctor: Stepanova Oksana Alekseevna Tel .: +38 (097) 695-42-28
Zaporozhye, Visus LLC
Address: Zaporozhye, st. Space 114 Phone: +38 (061) 219-04-40 (reception)
Ophthalmologist: Maria M. Demina Tel .: +38 (068) 450-14-74
Ivano-Frankivsk, Center Optics Store
Address: Ivano-Frankivsk. st. Chopin, 9
Mob tel .: + (380 63) 171 56 95
Ivano-Frankivsk, Optics "Plus minus"
Address: Ivano-Frankivsk, st. Melnik, 9-b
Doctor: Anna Valerievna Türkhen Tel .: +38 (0342) 72-00-11
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk chain of optics "IVO OPTICS for everyone"
Address: Ivano-Frankivsk, Fortechny Pereulok, 1, Gallery "Bastion"
Doctor: Igor Adamovich Ganzha Tel .: +38 (0342) 75-23-30
Odessa, State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. V.P.Filatova NAMS of Ukraine ”
Address: Odessa, French Boulevard, 49/51
Doctor: MD Serdyuchenko Vera Ivanovna Tel .: +38 (048) 729-84-74
Uzhgorod, a network of salons "World of View"
Tel. + (380 312) 61 99 00 Mob. + (380 50) 372 64 32
Kharkov, Medical Center "Nebolejka"
Address: Kharkov, 61068, st. Semigradskaya, 12A Tel .: +38 (057) 761-25-16 Mob. tel. +38 (093) 392-00-94